We are a nation of immigrants . . . A tee supporting RAICES
Many know Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" and I am constantly struck by people doing their part to make a difference. I wanted to introduce two people in this blog post; Topher Hoffman and Alan Dornan.
This morning the talking heads on television mentioned a Ronald Reagan speech about immigration and I wanted to highlight the following quote: "Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries."
An Adam's Nest customer, and friend, Kelly Holohan created this graphic "IMMIGREATION MAKES AMERICA" and we collaborated on the t-shirt supporting RAICES, it has been a best seller since launching around the 4th of July. It is back in stock and now available in men's and women's fits.
Meet Topher Hoffman; public health research analyst, Gays Against Guns member, and Adam's Nest patron proudly waving his rainbow flag sporting our "IMMIGREATION MAKES AMERICA" tee. Topher was recently featured in the Washington Blade, check out the full profile, but there were two gems I wanted to share.
Q: If your life were a book, what would the title be?
“Walk with a Purpose (and other tips for pretending like you know what you’re doing)”
Q: What do you wish you’d known at 18?
Being queer connects you to a global community and gives you magical responsibilities. Don’t let anyone make you forget that.
A few weeks ago, I had the chance to meet Alan Dornan in Provincetown. When you hear about being the change Alan has made it his mission to fight for immigrants and "dreamers." "You read about people when they get old looking back and saying, ’What did I do in my life? What purpose did it serve?’ And here I am at 78, hell, I didn’t do a lot in my life, and all of sudden my life has taken on this huge meaning. So that when I die, I can look back at my life and say, ‘I did something of value in this life’ because I believe this is a huge, huge issue. And that these people are being persecuted every day.”