Trans and transcendent!

Prior to launching Adam's Nest, the number of transgender people in our social circle was none.  One of the greatest joys we have had over six seasons in Provincetown is having the opportunity to meet so many individuals in the queer community and listen to their stories.  We are proud to have created a safe space and one in which we are able to ask questions and further our knowledge of the trans experience and struggles.  

Our first trans graphic was based on a post from the Board of PFLAG in Oklahoma City in response to Trump's transgender ban in the military. "Nobody suffers when we extend protection and recognition to everyone. In fact, we're all better for it."  We reached out and collaborated on a t-shirt supporting The Trevor Project.

won't be erased graphic t-shirt

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020 we participated in monthly silent vigils for social justice in Provincetown.  During one of these vigils we found ourselves next to artist Paul Rizzo and admired his "Black Trans Lives Matter" sign.  Shortly thereafter we agreed it would make a great t-shirt and we began selling this tee supporting the Audre Lorde Project.  We love the pic Paul provided us and were thrilled to get a photo from one of our customers in the tee.

queen saya naomi paul rizzo black trans lives matter t-shirt

We are uncertain who shared this comment with us, but at some point a trans person said to us, what about a t-shirt "trans and transcendent"? It was tumbling in our creative mind for some time.  Before we went to work on a graphic we wanted to look up the definition of "transcendent".

transcendent definition

Once we read the definition we felt very comfortable creating a graphic using this word.  Based on the success of some other riffs on well recognized logos we had the idea of doing a riff on the flying eagle emblazoned on the hoods of Trans Ams. As we watch legislation around the country attacking transgender rights, we're reminded how important it is to stand up for the rights of all marginalized people.  We are excited to launch this new transgender graphic supporting the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE).  The shirt is now available for preorder in a number of silhouettes in advance of the Transgender Day of Visibility at the end of March, we don't expect to ship the newest graphic until April.

Transcendent firebird graphic t-shirt


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