The destination store in PTown for all things queer, with an edge.
Wowza, thanks for that headline queerguru!
We are finally getting a chance to share this conversation we had mid-summer with Roger Walker-Dack, AKA queerguru. We've chatted with Roger multiple times over the years, but seemed time to sit again as the business has reached its stride in its ninth season, with lots of changes in the near future.
"Over the past 8 years Adam's Nest has become THE destination store for the members of the LGBTQ+ community who want to shake things up, create some social change and look f*&kin’ fabulous while doing it.
"Owner Adam Singer has used his passion and activism to create a politically engaged, socially conscious, spiritually connected, naughty, queer & visible brand based out of Provincetown.
"Just step inside his wee store packed to the rafters and its impossible not to swept up in both Adam’s sheer style and enthusiasm that helps you look good whilst also help investing back in our community as when you buy certain products from the site, he gives 10% of the proceeds of that item to the LGBTQ charity listed with it."
What a lovely description of the shop and our journey. We sat with Roger in early July and finally got around to putting together a blog post. Click the image for the full interview.