There are those in power that are trying to limit women's freedom and access in relation to their healthcare.  A decision about having a baby or having an abortion is a deeply personal, private decision best left to a woman, her family, and her doctor. Yet some politicians remain obsessed with interfering.  For this reason we wholeheartedly and financially support the efforts of the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.

Solidarity fist t-shirts

Yesterday we found ourselves discussing the current political environment, safe houses, and reproductive freedom and access to healthcare.  It served as a reminder why we support the ACLU through the sales of our solidarity fist tees and pins.  The ACLU works to ensure that every woman can make the best decision for herself and her family about whether and when to have a child without undue political interference

Items supporting planned parenthood at Adam's Nest

We have been supporting Planned Parenthood since opening the shop in 2016. Currently we have Brian Kenny's "Pink Pussycat" and a collaboration with Revolution Art Shop featuring Anne Lesniak's "Don't Tread on Me" graphic depicting a rattlesnake in the shape of a uterus.  It is imperative we support Planned Parenthood as this remains the sole point of access to many and ensures reproductive freedom.

#choice #prochoice #reproductivefreedom #aclu #standwithpp #pussygrabsback #briankenny #womensrights #plannedparenthood

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