Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

I first became aware of Nathan Rapport when the Huffington Post ran an article about his coloring book "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me".  In January 2016, after I had signed contracts on a retail space in Provincetown that would become Adam's Nest, I reached out to Nathan through his Etsy store about carrying his book and seeing what other work could be right for the space.  As life tends to get busy and with Nathan's growing editorial coverage we did a bit of email tag, but never managed to connect.  

Fast forward to June when I was opening the store and I happened to see on facebook that Nathan would be doing a book signing elsewhere in town.  I thought damn someone else got there first, but if it wasn't meant to be, so be it.  The next day into the shop walked Nathan as he was checking out Provincetown on his last morning.  As we spoke, we realized that we had just missed connecting due to crazy, busy schedules and our respective new ventures.  I think it is fair to say we both realized that the universe stepped in and made sure we met.

We are thrilled to be showing Nathan's original artwork in Provincetown with an opening during Carnival week.  It's been interesting navigating the "censors" as we work together to promote the opening, but seems we managed to walk that tight rope. Nathan has designed an exclusive "Butt Pirate" tee for us and we are also offering a couple of Nathan's designs "Enjoy the Silence" and "Blousy Top" in exclusive color ways.  We are looking forward to giving Nathan a venue to show his original art to the Ptown crowd.

Nathan Rapport Original Art

Nathan Rapport Original Art

Nathan Rapport Original Art

About Nathan Rapport

Nathan Rapport, a graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit, is an Austin/Los Angeles based multimedia artist working and showing in galleries and alternative creative spaces in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Portland, New Orleans, NYC, Provincetown, and Toronto.

Nathan works as a painter, illustrator, designer, performer, director, and has a long history in scenic work for a number of producing theatres in San Francisco and Austin.

In October 2015, Nathan released his queer adult coloring book "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me", receiving tremendous support from The Huffington Post and launching him into a nation wide book tour, originating with the Printed Matter LA Art Book Fair at the MOCA, Los Angeles. 

Currently, Nathan works full time as an artist, splitting his time between Texas and California.


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