Hôtel Gaythering turns 4!

Miami Beach's only gay hotel turns 4! 

The Hôtel Gaytheriing 4 Year Anniversary party is Friday February 16th from 10pm-2am.  It's an 80s House Party and you're expected to dress to impress.  Adam's Nest is popping up with some 80s graphic tees; SILENCE = DEATH supporting the Ali Forney Center and Gran Fury's READ MY LIPS supporting Rainbow Railroad.  You'll be able to get in the 80s spirit or pick up some of our other favorite graphics like the SHOOT LOADS NOT GUNS tee supporting Gays Against Guns; the Daddy Tee collaboration with Naro Pinosa; and our newest Army of Lovers tee supporting the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art.

If you are a follower of The AIDS Memorial on Instagram, you'll be able to grab the Zach Grear designed tee supporting Housing Works.

Hôtel Gaythering turns 4!

#80s #granfury #silenceequalsdeath #readmylips #twomenkissing #twowomenkissing #armyoflovers #anonymousqueers #shithole #AIDSmemorial #pinktriangle #shithole #shootloadsnotguns #GAGisWatching #NotInMyState #GunReformNow

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