GUN REFORM NOW! Supporting Gays Against Guns
For those unaware, we opened Adam's Nest in the summer of 2016, four days after the shooting in Orlando. Since that time we've been selling t-shirts, hats, pins, and stickers emblazoned with "SHOOT LOADS NOT GUNS" and donated a percent of the proceeds to Gays Against Guns.
As we enter season six following another two mass shootings we know that the fight for sensible gun reform remains as important as ever. We've updated our t-shirt graphic for Summer 2021; the need for sensible gun reform remains and our “shoot loads not guns” items continue to support Gays Against Guns. In recent polling by Gallup, “Fifty-six percent of Americans say they are dissatisfied with U.S. gun laws and policies, marking the ninth consecutive year of majority-level dissatisfaction since the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut" Have we had enough yet? Will our representatives do anything?
"In 2017, after the murder of 58 people in Las Vegas, political personality Bill O’Reilly said that such mass casualties were “the price of freedom.” But his is a very recent interpretation of guns and their meaning in America. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is one simple sentence: “A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” There’s not a lot to go on about what the Framers meant, although in their day, to “bear arms” meant to be part of an organized militia." Heather Cox Richardson.
By popular request, something slightly less naughty, we are launching our GUN REFORM NOW! t-shirt. We have also made it available in orange in recognition of Everytown for Gun Safety's campaign for Wear Orange Weekend and National Gun Violence Awareness.
#marchforourlives #GunReformNow #GunControlNow #neveragain #neveragainstartsnow #enoughisenough #wearorange #gaysagainstguns #shootloadsnotguns