Don't Tread on Me - supporting Women's Rights
Beyond angry. No doubt many will find themselves discussing reproductive freedom. Read this article in Mother Jones and wanted to share some information to arm yourself with.
"In his draft opinion striking down the constitutional right to an abortion, Justice Samuel Alito says a lot of things about pregnancy, women, and fetuses. As someone who has recently given birth, it was easy for me to spot several places where he was wrong. If Alito is going to set back the rights of people who can become pregnant by 50 years, he could at least do us the courtesy of getting the science right." Pema Levy
It's been a mad busy week on the website as people react to the news. We are filling orders and placing reorders of our collaboration with Banana Rampage featuring the "DON'T TREAD ON ME" rattlesnake uterus art of Anne Lesniak. We have a promotion offering 25% off when you purchase two or more tees supporting Planned Parenthood through Mother's Day; the discount is taken automatically. These are only two of the many options available.
We read that The Senate will vote next week on a bill codifying Roe. We need to get every Senator on record how they vote. Get on the phones, call your senators, no matter the party; tell them to pass the Womens Health Protection Act. A Capitol switchboard operator can connect you:
(202) 224-3121.

As we all react to the leak of the Supreme Court's draft ruling on Roe v. Wade, anyone paying attention to Republican talking points over the years will recall Paul Ryan as an Ayn Rand–influenced ideologue determined to stop government from taking rich people’s money. We found this quote from Ayn Rand's, "Of Living Death" in The Objectivist, October 1968 quite something.

Regardless of your sex, this is a fight we must win. We caught this post on the scroll from Shoestring Press NY and could not agree more. We have printed a few thousand stickers we'll be handing out for free in our Ptown shop this summer.