BRANDS x BETTER represents a new movement in how brands are more thoughtful in treating customers, teams and suppliers. As like-minded brands we have united in an effort to give back to those affected by COVID-19, while also supporting conscious consumer spending and do our part to keep the economy functioning.
As we shelter with our parents in Delray Beach, Florida and perform Passover Seder via zoom we are reminded of welcoming the stranger at the table. We consider ourselves more spiritual than religious, but embrace tradition. During Seder we retell the story of Passover and regarding matzoh: "This is the bread of destitution that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. Anyone who is famished should come and eat, anyone who is in need should come and partake of the Pesach sacrifice. Now we are here, next year we will be in the land of Israel; this year we are slaves, next year we will be free people."

The world is going through an unprecedented crisis that is bringing the economy—and the consumer spending that supports it—to a halt. This chain reaction has grave implications for our globalized world and especially impacts small businesses, who help keep the economy afloat. We are acutely aware of our privilege, and the struggle and worry so many are experiencing is heartbreaking. Our gratitude for all the "essential" workers is unending, we just hope it's finally evident to those that walk through life not understanding others' struggles and elicits more empathy.
As a partner with BRANDS x
BETTER, we have pledged 2% of all sales through May 1
st to
Direct Relief, a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies, without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.
As an added bonus to make it easier to give back you can get 10% off all apparel, hats, and pins at Adam's Nest with the code: BETTERTOGETHER. We are proud to stand hand in hand with these likeminded brands and our hope for a brighter future begins now. All of the coalition members are providing additional value to customers for their support. Donate by shopping with any one or our coalition members. Making and impact is easy, simply shop with any of the brands in our coalition to make a donation. We thank you in advance for being a part of this. Together we can make a difference!

As we are in mid-April this is typically when we are preparing to head to Provincetown for the summer. On March 31, Governor Baker of Massachusetts issued an order extending the closure of non-essential businesses and organizations for in-person operations until May 4. At that date we will determine when we are headed to Provincetown for the season and will let you know. As always, we are grateful for your continued support.

#adamsnest #myptown #ptownstrong #ptownbearweek #BrandsxBetter