Adam's Nest Gives Back

One of the founding principles of Adam's Nest was to find a way of operating a business with "purpose", the business gives monthly to GLAAD and the Trevor Project and regularly supports a variety of causes and individuals throughout the year.  At year end we review profitability and give additional funds to a variety of organizations, but within the business there are a number of items where 10% of the proceeds are earmarked specifically for the following organizations: the Dream Corps, Indivisible Civicsthe ACLU, the Ali Forney Center, Gays Against Guns, GreenpeaceLeslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian ArtPlanned Parenthood, and Rainbow Railroad.  The items in this collection indicate the respective charity that they support.

Adam Singer Gran Fury Read My Lips Supporting Rainbow Railroad

Other recent additions are the SHITHOLE tee supporting Indivisible Civics , the #lovearmy tee supporting The Dream Corps and the Army of Lovers tee; we all need more love.  The Army of Lovers tee features an excerpt from "QUEERS READ THIS", a leaflet distributed at pride march in NYC, Published anonymously by Queers in June 1990.  The excerpt titled "AN ARMY OF LOVERS CANNOT LOSE" was printed on pink paper and handed out at pride.  10% of proceeds from the sale of these t-shirts will be donated to the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art.

In the summer of 2018 as news broke about families being separated we launched another collaboration with Kelly Holohan; IMMIGREATION MAKES AMERICA; a witty riff on Make America Great Again (MAGA).  We are a nation of immigrants and we need to remain a beacon of hope and freedom.  10% of the proceeds from this t-shirt supports RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services).  RAICES is a nonprofit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas.

In 2019 we have launched additional items that give back.  We launched our #WONTBEERASED collaboration with PFLAG OKC in response to Trump's Transgender Military ban supporting the Trevor Project.  Hugh Elliott created our "there is no planet B" graphic supporting Greenpeace.  In May we launched a collaboration with Revolution Art Shop; "Don't Tread On Me" t-shirt featuring Anne Lesniak's graphic, $5 from each sale is donated to Planned Parenthood.  Also in May we launched two collaborations celebrating Pride that benefit the Trevor Project.  Our STONEWALL t-shirt collaboration with Homo Riot and another graphic from Brian Kenny called the "Love Triangle".

In March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched a collaboration with Jeremy Novy featuring his praying hands and soap on a rope graphic; 100% of net proceeds supporting Meals on WheelsNo Kid Hungrythe Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief FundNational Domestic Workers Alliance, and One Fair Wage Emergency Fund.

New blog posts will arise speaking to new efforts and organizations we choose to support.

#neverthelessshepersisted #gaysagainstguns #GAG #gagiswatching #notinmystate #GunReformNOW #whatisrememberedlives #aidsmemorial #neverforget #endaids #guncontrolnow #fucktheNRA #peace #love #pussygrabsback #resist #plannedparenthood #istandwithpp #StandwithPP #GranFury #ACTUP #Chechnya100 #RainbowRailroad #SaveLGBTLives #queercrisis #TwoMenKissing #believesurvivors #TwoWomenKissing #silenceequalsdeath #actup #endaids #hivdivide #PrEP #prepwarrior #bethegeneration #actup30 #hivequal #uequalsu #ACLU #resist #resistandpersist #riseandresist #ITMFA #notmypresident #equality #liberty #freedom #loveinaction #lovearmy #fightdifferent #indivisible #covid19 #stayhome #flattenthecurve #notmeus

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